So yesterday, I left work and straight from there had to dash home and type up some fashion articles for the March issue of Demur Magazine. No rest for the wicked ehh? Bearing in mind, during all this I'm replying to emails regarding 2 possible modelling jobs I might have.
I'm always doing something and sometimes I don't know how I'm doing it. That's probably why am always popping iron pills and downing energy drinks., I'm a GP's worst nightmare lol. But anyway, after sending some pictures to the Assistant Fashion Editor, decided I had to sort out some of my jewellery. In total, I have about 9 different boxes for my accessories and jewellery(Don'tJudgeMe). This basket is just for my necklaces, gold watches and bracelets (mainly the costume jewellery). I took some piks to show you what I had to deal with.
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